One Nic at a Time

2019 AQHA Grey Mare, “Storm,” One Nic At A Time

“Storm” is a naturally cowy and easy-going mare. Smart, and a dream to work with, she has taken to roping easily! Tracking the hot heels has been a natural progression for her training and ability, it’s all come in stride for this smart mare. Storm worked on the dude ranch this summer, taking trail rides in the Rocky Mountains, and she was unfazed by all of it. She’s got a great work ethic. Storm has a dun base coat under that grey gene, so her colts have the opportunity for the dun factor. 5 panel negative.
2024 Sorrel Filly, “Mystic,” by JCM Paddys Docline
A fun filly to work with, kind and friendly, we have thoroughly enjoyed this mare’s first foal. She’s got the build to be athletic and strong. Click Here to see Mystic and our other foals available on the 2024 Foals For Sale page.